In mood for some hardcore space opera?

Happy new year everyone! I have some good news to share, especially with Czech lovers of modern space opera, hard SF and bio/cyberpunk. I’ve been holding something out in December but now I can finally announce the news. First of all – I’ve edited an anthology of transhumanist-themed stories by Czech authors, Terra nullius, and it should be published in May if all goes according to plan. I’m especially excited about this as the authors I’d picked all sent me really inspiring stories full of brave ideas. Cover coming soon – I had seen the prefinal version and it’s just awe-inspiring!

The other news is that my science fiction trilogy Blíženci (would translate as Gemini) is going to be published this year as well. The covers are already prepared and I was just breathless when I saw them. So brace yourselves for high acceleration into the world of new space opera…

And finally, a short story of mine is appearing in Robert Pilch’s fabulous-looking space opera anthology Capricorn 70.

There are a lot of real delights in the publisher Brokilon’s plan for 2015 – new books by Jan Kotouč, Vladimír Šlechta, Jan Hlávka & Jana Vybíralová and many others, so check it out (if in Czech you can check… sorry, I couldn’t resist; but there’s a Czech version of this website coming sometime soon, so the primarily Czech fiction concerned posts are going to be appearing there).

Happy new year again and be it filled with lots of speculative fiction of your choice!





A new novel out in the stores!

I’ve got good news for my Czech readers: My new novel, set in the “Agent John Francis Kovář” adventure SF series, was published today. It’s called “Bez naděje” (“Hopeless”) and John finds himself in a world that really seems to be beyond hope: after a devastating pandemic, riddled with totalitarian regimes…

Ah, I hope you’ll forgive me for posting the official synopsis in Czech: “Nečekaná žádost o pomoc přivádí Johna Francise Kováře z říše Inků do současné Prahy ve světě po katastrofální pandemii. Chaos však postupně nahrazuje pořádek – nebo tvrdá diktatura? John se za pomoci odbojářů (jak se označují sami) či teroristů (jak je nazývají jiní) snaží najít autora záhadné žádosti, pravděpodobně bývalého agenta F.E. Při tom se však neodvratně zaplétá do boje v realitě, která idealistům neodpouští, kde je naděje vysmívaným pojmem a smrt blízkou společnicí.”

If action (or reading in Czech ;)) is not exactly your cup of tea, I may have some news for you as well in the near future…

The cover.

The cover.